The Cape Support 1 as mud barge is designed to support the drilling mud requirements of offshore rigs/semi submersibles and is developed as a cost savings solution for offshore drilling operations in remote areas. The vessel shall have the capability to provide mud storage and mixing support to multiple rigs operating in an isolated offshore environment.
Our specialized vessel has ample liquid storage capacity to store both mud and other drilling fluids according to the user’s requirement. The integral hulls are below deck, allowing the free deck space to accommodate a large accommodation unit, liquid mud plant, bulk/hopper tanks, container facilities, and equipment/tubular storage, etc.
In addition to the vessel particulars provided in the Cape Support 1 web page, our vessel provides features and capabilities for the treatment of drilling mud.
Explore Cape Support 1 as a Mud Barge:
1) Features & Capabilities
2) Proposed Features
Features & Capabilities
Existing features:
Integral tanks for storing up to 29,000+ bbl of mud with up to 2.5 s.g. (Should there be a smaller requirement for mud, these tanks are capable of storing other liquids as well).
Integral tanks for storing up to 51,000+ bbl of other liquids
Tunnel system running alongside tanks with flanges below deck for pipes to be fitted without further tank penetration
Ample Space on deck for mud, bulk & cement plant, storage facilities, crane, containerized facilities, etc.

Can accommodate additional/optional features including:
In-field Accommodation of up to 120 POB
In-field Liquid Mud Plant
In-field Bulk & Cement Plant
In-field Drilling Equipment & Tubulars Warehouse
Cuttings treatment, storage, and discharge

Proposed Features
An In-field accommodation for as many as 120 personnel can be provided to SOLAS and ABS specifications. Catering facilities, recreation facilities, air conditioning plant, potable water, water makers, sewage treatment, liferafts, etc. are subject to change upon the maximum accommodation.
Vessel shall provide space, integral tanks and utilities for installation of a Liquid Mud Plant, including processing, mixing and transfer systems. The maximum capacity for the storage of mud is 29,000 bbl and the mud plant can be deployed for SBM and/or WBM and/or Brine. The liquid mud plant shall include two separate mud mixing systems equipped with 6” x 8” x 14” x 150 HP centrifugal pumps to ensure fast and efficient mud treatment and/or reconditioning. Tanks can have remote actuated valves with controls located in the Motor Control Center (MCC). Tank Groups can be capable of isolation with double block & bleed valves. A high volume centrifuge is required for mud reconditioning where typically the mud weight is cut back and drill solids are discharged by centrifuging. Additionally, an overflow tank can be piped to a pre-designated tank, which can be monitored via remote indicators. All mud tanks shall have cleaning capability via permanent mounted system. The tanks’ walls are smooth-sided to prevent any buildup residues. Mud tanks shall have sumps to aid in the removal of the most product from the tank as possible. The sumps are aligned with natural trim of vessel so that product can naturally collect in the sump. Integral tanks for the storage of Base Oil and shall have loading/discharge capability to the main offloading manifolds.
An in-field mud and cement bulk plant facilitates fast supply for bulk barite, bulk bentonite and bulk cement with minimal supply vessel time expended and significantly reduces the potential for rig NPT. The capacity of the bulk plant can be as much as 10,290 cu-ft, which can be deployed as required for the various bulk products. The bulk plant includes a bulk air supply of 750 cu-ft/min with dryers and 100% bulk air redundancy.
An in-field mud and cement products warehouse facilitates surplus storage for critical mud products and contingency products close to the well site thus significantly reducing the potential of rig NPT. Additionally, mud products are available for mixing and/or reconditioning in the liquid mud plant.
An in-field drilling equipment and tubulars warehouse facilitates surplus storage of drilling tools and tubulars. Deck storage shall facilitate storage of drill collars, drill pipe, casing and test strings. Additionally, tools and tubulars can be inspected on the vessel thus freeing up time and deck space on the rig. Vessel shall have Warehousing on the Main Deck capable of storing working containers (20ft/40ft type) with power and air/water connections as needed.
When used for in-field overflow accommodation, addition of a helideck ensures fast, efficient and cost effective personnel transfers. The Vessel can be equipped for Helicopter operations for a Sikorsky S-92 helicopter (D Value = 22.0) in accordance with OCIMF Guide to Helicopter/Ship Operation & Chevron CIV-SU-128-B: Helidecks on Offshore Installations.
The Vessel can also be used for drill cuttings processing where regulatory limits concerning the discharge of OBM/SBM drill cuttings necessitate the treatment of cuttings prior to discharge. Currently, restrictive discharge regulations are being adopted by numerous governments and Skip & Ship is frequently the default solution. However, in remote regions and/or regions where there is a lack of onshore infrastructure, Skip & Ship can be extremely expensive to put in place. Furthermore, onshore disposal of processed drill cuttings is often complex from a regulatory perspective thus there remains a significant potential for future liabilites. The Vessel can be provided with cuttings processing equipment to enable the discharge of OBM/SBM cuttings at < 1.0% Oil on Cuttings.
Download the General Arrangement Drawing of Cape Support 1 as a mud barge: GA CS1 Mud Barge (35 MEN) (928 KB, PDF)
Download the General Arrangement Drawing of Cape Support 1 as a mud barge: GA CS1 Mud Barge (120 MEN) (1 MB, PDF)