

9,709 thoughts on “dm

  1. Well, I have never run a marathon. Or a half marathon. Or..well, much at all. But I am loving you for dreaming big and doing it. So wonderful. I can’t wait to see the photo you’re going to post with your wild eyes and your messy hair and your thumbs up sign (or whatever other really cool thing runners do after running 26.whatever misl)e.Anyway, I can’t wait to see that photo.[]

  2. So how does one purge Nazism, Socialism or Islamism?History gives us two solutions, first to let it 'run its course' so the Russians had 70 years of terror before the system collapsed, or by VIOLENT opposition where advocates of totalitarianism are PURGED and the country restored to 'normality' (as with Pinochet in Chile).Islam has proven much harder to purge, the Balkan states are a good example, Kosovo having just been 'won' back to Islam – thank-you NATO…There is no Historical presedent for the first solution with Islam, there is only violence and ethnic cleansing…

  3. Nice read, I just passed this onto a colleague who was doing some research on that. And he just bought me lunch since I found it for him smile Therefore let me rephrase that: Thank you for lunch! “A human being has a natural desire to have more of a good thing than he needs.” by Mark Twain.

  4. Darcel, thank you for putting things so eloquently. I too grew up at FBC, went on the Mexico trip, knew and loved your family, went candy-selling with you all, and cried so much when your father died. I left FBC after being there for twenty years. By the Lord’s mercy, my husband and I are still serving God in spite of what form of Christianity we saw at FBC. I know so many of my former classmates who have turned from God and to drugs, alcohol, and rough lifestyles. It saddens me. Thank you for taking up their cause! God Bless.

  5. You are absolutely amazing Gavin. I love watching your videos and your fantastic photos. My partner is starting to learn photography but is only just starting out, and you’ve been a great inspiration for her!

  6. . From listening to the interview, I came away with an impression of a brilliant scientist who is motivated by a deep love? respect? for humanity. Even though her discovery lead to people with neonatal diabetes (some 0.0000005% of the diabetic world) being able to use an oral medication instead of insulin injections/pumps, I found it very moving that the nitty gritty details (packing tape, parents injecting babies…)of these lucky people’s lives meant something to her. Also her voice is so lovely.Maybe I just have a severe case of that facebook meme that’s going around: IF I HAD A BRITISH ACCENT, I’D NEVER SHUT UP!

  7. Kleiner Tipp von uns:Schnell ins Kino gehen!!!…denn die Besucherzahlen sehen leider nicht allzu gut aus, weswegen der wohl nicht mehr lange laufen wird…Ansonsten ein fettes THX in entgegengesetzter Richtung für das tolle Kompliment! Zum Thema “rocken” verweise ich zum Schluss noch auf den Link zur ShC-Homepage in unserer Link-Sammlung:Da rockt es auch! Gruss,GCK

  8. This is why I must cling to scripture. Without truth embedded on my heart, my heart has no choice but to despair. If the truth of God’s character is not ingrained into the crevasses of this mommy-brain, I will forget that I am not alone.

  9. I’m delighted that I’ve observed this weblog. Lastly anything not a junk, which we undergo extremely frequently. The web site is lovingly serviced and stored as much as date. So it have to be, thanks for sharing this with us.

  10. MTR was still easy to pick up.My comment about Tullamarine still applies I think. Under the licence agreement I’d imagine it’s unlikely to be heard on that side of the city. Maybe they want to suggest Greater Melbourne is listening to their station? Marconi (great name BTW), do you know what area 3MP/MTR’s licence actually covers? How far north of the peninsula into Melbourne would be interesting to know. If it is only a narrow area I don’t see how they could get the listening numbers to put a dent into rival talk back stations.

  11. Épp most volt etetés. Szerencse a szerencsétlenségben, hogy csak két kicsi van, négyet nehezebb lenne egy csőrből etetni. Szegény Halász, teszi a dolgát, az élet megy tovább, elcsépelt közhely, de igaz.

  12. This is such a well thought out capsule. You should be a consultant! I have a horrendous time trying to pare down like that. I'm always second-guessing my decisions and think I can't live without that extra pair of jeans/sweater/shoes etc. until it all gets too ridiculous.I could be one of those travelers at the turn of the (previous!) century with steamer trunks galore. I detest the heat and I'm impressed you managed as well as you did. Sounds like you had a great time.

  13. I do have AE-4000 model because of AVS reeviw..I bought one in eerily 2010 man is AWSOME projector, I’m very VERY happy with mine. BEST in market. Great picture better an any projector I saw till now hands down!.. Defiantly I’ll go buy Panasonic projector brand again because of experience, happy to see this new model again. And lQQks like she have problem with speaking, she bored me talking about it!

  14. You actually make it seem so easy with your presentation but I find this matter to be actually something that I think I would never understand. It seems too complex and extremely broad for me. I am looking forward for your next post, I’ll try to get the hang of it!

  15. 用的晶片跟 UNO 不一樣, UNO 用的晶片是 atmega328p, leanardo 的是內建 usb çš„ atmega32u4leonardo 可能沒辦法當成 usb-ttl 使用喔leonardo çš„ Serial 是用 USB CDC driver 做出來的,沒有接到硬體 pin 0 & pin 1,因為這兩支腳位已變成 Serial 1 了…不過還是可以 try 看看,我手邊沒有 leonardo,你試一下這支程式,看看行不行:void setup() Serial.begin(9600); while (!Serial) { ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for Leonardo only } Serial1.begin(9600);}void loop() // run over and over{ if (Serial.available()) Serial1.write(; if (Serial1.available()) Serial.write(;}

  16. Aber jetzt geht es Dir hoffentlich besser?!?In vielen Punkten gebe ich Dir absolut recht!Schuhbeck: Geld regiert die Welt…ist nun mal so :-(Eine Lehrein braucht kein Geschenk zu Weihnachten, finde ich.Warten hasse ich auch….Schokolade soll helfen…oder ein Glas Rotwein ;-))Das Programm habe ich jetzt übrigens. Kann man da keine manuellen Einstellungen vornehmen oder habe ich nur die Hälre geladen? ;-)Liebe GrüßeKatinkaPS. Genau, Schokolade gemacht 🙂

  17. disse:Parabéns pela Vó fofucha Fá!Família é tudo de bom,e o que dizer de uma vózinha com tanta experiência e lições de vida pra dar,hein?!Quando estamos grávidas conseguimos párar e dar mais valor as coisas que aparentemente são simples.E quando temos o filho nos braços também percebemos como a família e os bons exemplos são importantes!Que Deus continue a abençoar vocês!!A semana já começou super bem!!Bijús!!

  18. Frank / Hi, if I understand your problem correctly you simply need to redownload each individual book by opening it with wifi connected, same if you go into your archive section. If that doesn’t crack it simply go to your ‘manage my kindle’ link on your amazon account and resend all your books to the appropriate device. They’ll all still be stored on amazon, they’ve simply been cleared from the local memory on your kindle. Redownload and let us know if that cracked it for you.Cheers, F.

  19. I gt u im n luv wid my fran to but i tld ha i wuz bi but she calls mi gay n sumtime a she b lik i luv u gf n b lik i lik girls ta our fran butthn she tlks about glbt ppl i dnt get ha…….n she mostly always mean to mi i try mot ta lik ha whn i try not tlkin to ha she cums ta mi n make me laugh n makes me lik ha even mo

  20. Thanks for this post bro! yes, the image of good women in society is decreasing. I even argued with my male friends about being pure in a relationship and about beautiful girl. I guess, the world put so much weight and burden in us, i mean being women, regardless what size or height we are in. YET, I thank God for some people like yourself, think highly of us 🙂 Thanks so much and God Bless!

  21. Mamma mia quante domande. Allora siamo in 7, della pianificazione se ne occupa la struttura produttiva de la7 mentre per quanto riguarda le mete autori e redazione. Trasferte durano in media 20 giorni e si realizzano 2 puntate ogni viaggioimprevisti tanti ma si superano sul posto…. e David Attenborough E’ IL MIO MITO!!!

  22. Si, justement les professeurs sont payés sur 10 mois et le salaire annualisé, notamment parce qu’il est estimé qu’ils bénéficient de vacances -je parle des vacances d’été surtout- alors qu’elles sont destinées aux enfants et pas à eux, or ils n’assurent pas de cours pendant cette période donc ils ne sont pas payés.

  23. Hi, I'm sorry for posting here, bur I cannot log into my account and I believe I need to link it up to my Google account but it on a other email account which has been hacked, what should I do?

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  27. Gute Hintergrundinfo. Werde mir Mut fassen und den Solmeta Pro (den ich schon lange beobachte)erwerben. Hoffentlich wird bald eine vernünftige Mac-Software verfügbar sein, das wäre mir sehr wichtig!

  28. Hi there, just became aware of your blog through Google, and found that it’s truly informative. I am going to watch out for brussels. I’ll appreciate if you continue this in future. A lot of people will be benefited from your writing. Cheers!

  29. Harbaugh’s going all-in with Cappy. His guy. Come hell or high water. The Niners will likely release Alex after this season, but before the $8 mill is due him on 4/1/13. Unless Cappy gets hurt or flat bombs out before the playoffs.

  30. I am finding that the market i am in has been affected a lot more than 12% and the results coming back for the search is showing very poor quality by the sites getting the top spots. I can only say users are getting poor results which is very disapointing.

  31. “I want to be more then just a piece in their games.” Also I would like to see the part when Katniss says “who can’t lie Peeta?” when she shoves the sleep syrup down his mouth. SO MANY!!! Agh. I know that were just talking about the first one but I would like to see in Catching Fire the part where Peeta shows Katniss his drawings and when Katniss goes berserk when Peeta’s heart stopped. And when Gale goes “There is no District 12.”

  32. Rio Doiro disse: ”Esta mensagem foi removida por um administrador do blogue. Cheirava a phishing chinês que tresandava.”Engana-se, era um blogueiro Japonês a perguntar ao Stran se o tradutor japonês dos Versículos Satânicos de Salman Rushdie, o sr. Hitoshi Igarashi, que foi assassinado em 12 de Julho de 1991, se também era um maluquinho?

  33. Jeg har d.d. indsat NOK 400,00 på jeres konto. Hele familien løber alpint, derfor er vort bidrag kun symbolsk, men jeg håber I tager imod alligevel.Med venlig hilsenInge Dahlerup Jensen, Haugsynlie 142, BeitostølenBosat i Danmark, Kalkærsvej 15, DK 8950 Ørsted

  34. Hello miss fabulous and sweet Kim -I know I have been so lazy with blogging lately let alone commenting. I have been to toy stores/department more often than I want to since I have a child but this toy store looks like a wonderland which makes me to want to explore. ToyRUS – I think it is about time for them to renovate and add soem imagination!!

  35. 實情係:"In 1997, nearly all of the coastal provinces had a per capita GDP higher than the national average. The per capita GDP of Shanghai, one of the richest cities in China, was 4.5 times the average, while Guizhou, a poor region, was only 37 percent of the national average. Carl Riskin, Zhao Renwei, and Li Shi comment, 'Seldom has the world witnessed so sharp and fast a rise in inequality as has occurred in China'." – Ngai Pun. 2005. In Made in China: Women factory workers in a global workplace. P.73

  36. agustos ayından berı panık atak yasıyorum zanax ve cipralex kullanıyorum 2 ay dır s 2 haftaya kadar cok ıyıdım ama 2 hFTADIR SAAT sabah 10 ile 12:30 arası oluyor hergun ılaclarımıda duzenlı kullanıyorum nedense fayda goremıyorum bas donmesı oluyor kalbıme anıden sankı duracakmıs gıbı oluyor carpma bazen hızlı oluyor artık normal hayat donmek ıstıyorum

  37. Ahh, Kitty showing her middle-class macho by using ghetto vernacular again. As I had explained to you in an email responding to your last tantrum, I did not call you a piece of shit, but I DID put you in the same class with Nsangoma as a classist and a self-hating reactionary. Sorry your reading comprehension skills are not up to par. Wow, you should read your words. All name calling, but deflective when it comes to your candidate’s self-hating international policies. No responses to that, huh?

  38. Aluzje do “przeprowadzonej prywatyzacji” i “silnych grup kapitaÅ‚owych” nieco tchnÄ… kawiarnianymi gadkami feministek, aby nie powiedzieć gadkami na imieninach u cioci, podobnie jak i teza, że znikanie klasy Å›redniej to cecha współczesnego kapitalizmu.

  39. Vreau sa mai fac o completare celor de mai sus.Am scris aceste randuri in graba si am omis sa mentionez in lista celor care au avut amabilitatea si placerea de a discuta cu noi si a ne impartasi din vasta lor experienta pe domnul Didi Hiriscau si Mateescu Vasile, doi mari campioni ai rasei de Galati care au demonstrat prin concursuri ca detin pasari valoroase si merita cu prisosinta sa aiba un punct de vedere de care sa se tina cont.

  40. Mike, This whole page and the links in it are intended to provide a comparison of the plugins. Click on the hyperlinked feature names in the , and you’ll see evaluations of the plugins one-by-one with regard to the clicked feature.I hope someone with real-world experience chimes in with their opinion, but if that doesn’t happen, and you have a specific question regarding the features of the plugins, let us know.

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  42. Greetings from Los angeles! I’m bored to tears at work so I decided to check out your site on my iphone during lunch break. I really like the information you present here and can’t wait to take a look when I get home. I’m amazed at how fast your blog loaded on my mobile .. I’m not even using WIFI, just 3G .. Anyhow, fantastic blog!

  43. / You could certainly see your skills within the work you write. The sector hopes for even more passionate writers such as you who aren’t afraid to say how they believe. At all times follow your heart.

  44. Hi Joleen & Randy, What a great website,during our visit home Sally & I fell in love with your son too,he surely is special and with parents like you two he can’t help but become talented and a special person. Gods love shows in all of you. Love and prayers from a proud uncle, wayne

  45. Amen Brother! Noah, this is an excellent post. Can you imagine how healthy local churches would be if young people really did take to heart the importance of the local church? We are a blessed church to have so many young people dedicated to the body of Christ.

  46. ehehehÉ verdade, parece que a Isabel vai dar ao Carlos o mesmo destino que o Jorge deu ao Eduardo. A desculpa foi a ligação do filho Eduardo a uma mulher divorciada, mas a verdadeira razão era ser simpatizante do nazismo.No caso do Carlos, vamos ver qual vai ser a desculpa e a verdadeira razão.

  47. A.C.SANCHEZ disse:Sem dúvida uma preocupação extremamente relevante que deveria ser copiada por outros governos. Infelizmente vivemos em um mundo extremamente erotizado, onde a mídia tem papel de destaque e os pais totalmente despreparados(principalmente no Brasil) embarcam nessa sociedade de consumo sem limites destruindo a fase mais feliz do ser humano, que é a infância. Para onde caminhamos?

  48. 23-03-09Андрей пишет: P.S.Если после установки ,опять не начнет работать ,попробуйте опять перезагрузить ФЛЕШ плеер. Был ли этот ответ полезным?

  49. the Churn: The Thom Pham family feud comes to some sort of an end, Ringo calls it quits, Yo!Sushi announces that it will open five local locations, a raw milk farmer is raided, and Town Talk is the talk of the town. » The Heavy Table

  50. Thank you, I’ve recently been searching for information approximately this topic for a long time and yours is the best I’ve came upon till now. However, what concerning the conclusion? Are you positive concerning the supply?

  51. Hi Kevin!I had a bit of trouble understanding this post. I'm also curious: are you in DC proper? If so, that means you don't get to vote for representation that actually votes in the Senate, right? (I can't remember: is is the same for the House? I seem to remember reading that there's a non-voting DC representative in one chamber/house/whatever, and a voting member whom DC residents can't vote for in the other.)

  52. Ya que el canonical no vale para dominios diferentes, ¿Qué hacemos cuando queremos cambiar de dominio?Los que tenemos cuenta en geocities nos encontramos ahora con el problema de la migración. Yo había pensado mantener los dos dominios temporalmente poniendo el “rel canonical” para indicar el sitio nuevo, pero veo que no vale;-(Puedo redireccionar, pero por código en la página (html, scripts) no controlando errores tipo 303.¿Qué me recomiendan?¿Qué pasará cuando geocities desaparezca?Un saludo

  53. Tuo että joku henkiä pulloissa on mielestäni aivan luonnollinen jatkumo pullovesille. Ensin joku sanoi, että paljon vetoa niin saan myytyä vettä pullossa öljyä kalliimmalla. Pitkän naurun jälkeen joku sanoi, että paljon vetoa niin saan myytyä sen vielä kalliimmalla, kun laitan sinne vain puoli pulloa vettä tai sitten pelkän pyhän pihauksen.Voi jeesus!

  54. Thanks everyone! My elderly friend Gayl (God rest her soul) she had one exactly like this in the same spot on her back and about every 6 months she would tell me..”Nanny, it’s about time to mash that bump on my back” (Yes she really called me, but it’s Nancy) I would squeeze that thing so hard it would leave a bruise sometime, but she wouldn’t be happy unless I squeezed it super hard. Memories…LOLWell-loved.

  55. What I find most challenging about making changes is that very often I rely on decisions from other people to proceed. Be it another job in a company I’d love to work for, waiting for someone to be ready for more than a friendship and many more. I guess that’s where patience and perceverance are put to the test and most of the doubts come up.

  56. ah ah ah ah….les barbouzes sont toujours payés !mitterand > rainbow warrior – tarnac et sa barbouze anglaise…. Tant que les à priori stupide de l’ignorance et des idées toutes faites seront colportés ainsi on n’avancera que péniblement…La population qui lutte contre cette gabegie est non violente, c’est bien pour ça qu’il faut des gens pour organiser la violence qui justifiera celle d’un pouvoir craintif et coercitif…Mais l’Histoire l’a toujours montré : un pouvoir aux abois est un pouvoir condamné.

  57. Tatalor are dreptate. Nu ma intelege gresit, Dan Kulcsar, inteleg ca vreti sa intrati in media, poate chiar sa faceti o afacere cu site-ul asta, e normal si e dreptul vostru. Si pentru asta, iarasi e normal sa nu postati material de calitate; toata lumea stie ca pentru a atrage atentia, nu folosesti subtilitate si eleganta, ci obiecte de plastic stralucitoare.

  58. She is being VERY selfish! I can’t believe you’ve let it go this far but nevertheless I would tell her that things must change or you will leave. Withholding lovemaking in a marriage without justifiable cause (medical reasons / biological changes / depression etc.) is just plain cruel and inhumane … she needs the counselling. I wish you the best and admire you for making it this far. Good luck

  59. KareninCA,Good post! Real estate seems to be working very much the same in NJ. Plenty of foreclosed properties selling off in places nobody wants to live, (Plainfield), that had been pumped up by subprime. But in the desirable areas, prices are still holding up fairly well, only down 5-10% so far it seems. But eventually, it seems like rising unemployment and an outflow of population will have to drive down prices more. For now, volumes have evaporated faster than prices.

  60. Helen,As a former neighbor and student I am truly sorry to hear of Emmy’s passing. He was a great man. I will never forget the days of him passing out tootsie rolls to the neighbor kids and then telling me stories when I was in his accounting class of how I was a great student just like my mother than he had had in class many years before. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. He may be gone physically but he will live on in the hearts of those lives he touched.Rest in Peace Mr. Craig.

  61. finch und ngen works sowie image mechanics sind spitzenmäßig. Typographie ist wirklich etwas Feines – auch wenn man kein Grafikprofi ist ;)Wie findet Ihr nur diese ganzen schönen Seiten?Liebe Grüße!

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  63. Oranienstrasse "ahdistavan turistinen"?! No on kyllä eka kerta kun tuollaista kuulen, mutta turistisuuskin taitaa olla siellä katsojan silmässä 😉 Itse kun olen siellä vuosikaudet hengaillut, niin eipä ihan ensimmäiseksi tulisi tuo ilmaisu mieleen.

  64. The shoes are beautiful, however 5" high suede stilettos are the very LAST thing I'd pack for a weekend at a relaxed lakeside resort in late July! You need to add some casual shoes to your 2012 summer collection that are neither stilettos nor suede!

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